It’s one of the most common frustrations new parents experience: Your newborn sleeps soundly in their bassinet at night, but come daytime, they resist napping in it. Sound familiar? You’re not alone, and while this can feel puzzling, there are some key reasons why your baby’s daytime sleep might be different from their nighttime sleep.
Let’s dive into why this happens and, more importantly, what you can do to help your newborn sleep better in their bassinet during the day.

Why Your Newborn Sleeps Well at Night in the Bassinet but Struggles During the Day
First, it’s helpful to understand that your baby’s sleep patterns aren’t quite the same during the day as they are at night. There are a few reasons this might happen:
1. Daytime Stimuli
During the day, there’s a lot more going on around your baby. The house is bustling, the lights are brighter, and there’s more noise. All of these things can make it more difficult for your newborn to settle into a deep, restful nap. At night, however, the environment is typically quieter, darker, and more conducive to sleep.
2. Daytime Sleep Pressure
Newborns experience what’s known as “sleep pressure” during the day. As they’re awake for longer stretches, they accumulate more sleep pressure, which makes them more ready for a good, solid nap. But, if they’re overtired or overstimulated, they may have a harder time falling asleep in their bassinet due to a restless, “wired” state.
3. Association with Night Sleep
Your baby may also begin to associate their bassinet with nighttime sleep. When they are placed in it during the day, it might be hard for them to transition into nap mode because they’ve come to expect that the bassinet means “long sleep” for the night, not a quick nap during the day. Babies thrive on consistency, and their sleep environment can play a big role in how well they settle in.
3 Things You Can Do to Help Your Newborn Sleep Well in the Bassinet During the Day
If you’ve found that your baby sleeps well in their bassinet at night but struggles during the day, don’t worry—it’s a common issue, and there are steps you can take to improve daytime naps.
1. Create a Calm, Darkened Sleep Space
As we mentioned earlier, your newborn’s sleep environment at night is usually quieter and darker, which helps them fall asleep more easily. Replicating these conditions during the day can help encourage better naps in the bassinet.
- Use blackout curtains to darken the room, blocking out bright sunlight.
- Dim the lights and keep the atmosphere calm—this signals to your baby that it’s time for rest.
- Use white noise or a sound machine to drown out any household sounds or distractions that might keep your baby awake.
By mimicking the peaceful conditions of nighttime sleep, you help create an environment that’s conducive to napping.
2. Establish a Consistent Naptime Routine
Although newborns don’t have a structured sleep schedule yet, establishing a consistent pre-nap routine can help your baby recognize that it’s time to sleep. This doesn’t need to be complex—think simple, calming activities like:
- A gentle lullaby or song
- Soft rocking or swaddling
- A warm bottle or breastfeeding session
These small signals help your baby make the connection that it’s time to rest. The more consistent you are with the steps before naps, the better your baby will associate them with sleep, whether it's daytime or nighttime.
3. Ensure Your Baby Isn’t Overtired
Overtiredness can make it more difficult for babies to settle, whether it’s for naps or nighttime sleep. Watch for your baby’s sleep cues and try to put them down for a nap before they become overtired. Some signs they might be getting sleepy include:
- Yawning
- Rubbing eyes or face
- Looking away or becoming fussy
If your baby stays awake too long during the day, they may have a harder time settling into their bassinet, especially if they’re overstimulated or cranky. Offering a nap before they reach that “overtired” point can make a world of difference.
Final Thoughts
It’s completely normal for newborns to sleep well at night but struggle to nap during the day. With the right environment, routine, and attention to their sleep cues, you can help your baby sleep better in their bassinet during the day. It takes time, patience, and consistency, but with a little effort, your newborn will learn to settle into their bassinet for naps as well as they do at night.
If you’re still struggling with your baby’s daytime naps or have any other sleep-related questions, join our baby sleep help membership fo $29/month and cancel any time.
Bringing a newborn home is magical, and yes, a little sleep-depriving. Equip yourself with our "Newborn Sleep Survival Toolkit," designed to help you navigate those first few sleep-challenged months. From establishing routines to understanding sleep cues, this toolkit is a must-have for every new parent aiming for more zzz's.